Providing your Fortran Medic Log File

The Fortran Medic Utility is a tool that was developed by MHI to remotely assist customers facing issues with PSCAD and related products and licensing.

The utility can detect and display known issues, and when run with Windows Administrator privileges, can be used to perform fixes when specified by the user. This utility does not modify anything on a machine without a user’s explicit permission, which is obtained by clicking on the green or red arrows in the utility, and confirming the recommended action.

The utility does not perform any automatic reporting back to MHI, but a summary log file may be generated and forwarded to the MHI support desk by the customer to assist with troubleshooting.

The summary includes information on installed MHI products, and related third-party software and prerequisite software. Also included are user permissions with regard to licensing and using MHI products, and the machine's ability to connect over the Internet to MHI licensing servers and to the NIST time server (required for certificate licensing). Typical issues detected by the utility are related to software installation, licensing, compiler compatiblity and integration, inadequate user permissions, and protection software that may prevent MHI-product usage.

The Fortran Medic log file may be generated as follows:

a. Download the Medic from the following link:

Note - It is recomended to download the latest version rather than use the version installed alongside PSCAD due to continual updates and improvements.

b. Unzip the downloaded file, save it to a local drive.

c. Run the "FortranMedic.exe" file.

When prompted whether to run this utility with Windows Administrator privileges:

-Select "No" if you will only be viewing and sending in the results.

-Select "Yes" if you will be making any changes to your machine using the Medic utility.
(recommended that this be done under the guidance of MHI support staff)

d. Click on the Actions menu, select "Start", and wait for results.

   Fortran Medic - Start.png (418 KB)

e. After the utility is done retrieving information, click on the "Actions" menu and select "Save Messages As".

     Fortran Medic - Save Messages.png (56 KB)

f. Send in the generated log file to the MHI support desk, along with your license number, and a detalied description of the issue.
