Fortran Compiler
A third-party compiler is required for building PSCAD projects.
The following compilers are supported with PSCAD:
- The free, GFortran compiler that is packaged by MHI, and
- The commercially available Intel® compiler (Intel Parallel Studio Composer Edition for Fortran for Windows, and Intel oneAPI)
Note - If using the Intel compiler, another third-party software is also required, Microsoft® Visual Studio.
More information related to Fortran compiler selection and setup is available in the underlined heading in the left navigation pane of this website.
Or, please refer directly to the following links:
- General Information:
-Selecting the type of compiler (Intel or GFortran) - Intel Fortran Compiler:
-Selecting the Intel compiler version and license type
-Selecting the Visual Studio version and edition
-Setting up a licensed edition of Intel
-Setting up an unlicensed edition of Intel
-Intel oneAPI - GFortran Compiler:
-Setting up GFortran
- After setting up your PSCAD and Fortran compiling software:
-Testing your Setup
If you have any compiler selection or setup questions, please forward them to the MHI support desk.