1-Day PSCAD Applications & Renewables Workshop - Austin, Texas

We are excited to invite you to our one-day PSCAD™ Applications & Renewables Workshop, designed in collaboration with industry experts to deliver in-depth knowledge and practical applications for renewable energy integration and simulation.

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PSCAD Applications & Renewables Workshop - São Paulo, Brazil

We are thrilled to announce an exclusive workshop focused on PSCAD™ Applications & Renewables in collaboration with the Universidade de São Paulo and our local representatives MagCAD Engenharia e Consultoria.


Applications of PSCAD and Transient Studies - Winnipeg, Canada

This three-day hands-on interactive training course is intended for practicing engineers, graduate students, and researchers in power systems and power electronics who are interested in developing a fundamental understanding of the modern tools available for the analysis of transient events in the network.
