Software Description - FACE

FACE (Field and Corona Effects) is a Windows™ application that predicts the field and corona effects of high voltage transmission lines, namely:

  • Audio Noise (AN)
  • Corona Loss (CL)
  • Radio Interference (RI)
  • Electric and Magnetic Field Distributions beneath Transmission Lines
  • Ionized Fields, Ion Charges and Ion Currents under HV Lines

FACE evaluates the overall environmental effects of high voltage AC, DC, or AC/DC hybrid transmission lines. It produces the audible noises and corona losses by using empirical formulas developed by IREQ or BPA. Radio interferences are also by the semi-analytical method, where the generating functions obtained experimentally by IREQ and BPA are utilized and the frequency domain modal analysis is employed to analyze the transmission line geometries. Static fields are computed by the methods of successive images. Ionized fields for DC, as well as AC/DC hybrid, cases are computed under Deutsch's assumption and by implementing an efficient algorithm for non-linear two-point initial value problems.

Typical application areas are:

  • Design of new HV transmission lines
  • Reinforcement of existing HV transmission lines
  • Converting existing AC lines to DC lines, or vice versa

For more information on FACE, please see the following:

  • The attached video for a quick overview
  • The Webinar, for a more detailed overview
  • The FACE brochure


Quick Overview - FACE (Field and Corona Effects)

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