Installing Prerequisite software

The prerequisite software may be set up using either of the two MHI tools:

1. Using the MyUpdater Utility

  • Determine the required prerequisite software as per this article.

  • If not already installed, install MyUpdater as per this article.

  • Launch "MyUpdater" from the Windows Start menu, selecting "Yes" to launch this with Windows Administrator Privileges when prompted by the Windows User Account Control.

  • Install the prerequisite software from the "Prerequisites" tab:
    MyUpdater - Installing Prerequisites.png (488 KB)

2. Using the Fortran Medic Utility

  • Determine the required prerequisite software as per this article.

  • Download the latest “FortranMedic” from our website:

  • Unzip the downloaded file, save it to a local drive, and run the FortranMedic.exe file.

    Note - When prompted by the Windows User Acccount Control, select "Yes", to run this utility with Windows Administrator privileges
  • Install the prerequisite software from the "Prerequisites" tab:
    Fortran Medic - Installing Prerequisites.png (538 KB)
