The Primary Window


The primary window is used mainly for inter-project navigation, viewing project related data files and organization of simulation sets. Icons are included for visual differentiation between case and library projects.  The main icons used here are listed below:

Projects Branch

When a case or library project is loaded, the project namespace and description will appear by default in the primary workspace window, under the Projects Branch. It is of course possible to load multiple projects, and these will be listed in the order in which they are loaded. Each Project in the Projects Branch includes two additional branches to house data specific to that project: These are the Definitions and the Temporary Folder branches.


See Operations and Feature Overview for more on creating, loading and saving projects.

Definitions Branch

The definitions branch contains a list of all definitions that are stored locally within that project:  Definitions for component, transmission segment or module instances that exist in a project, but are stored in other projects (ex. master library components), will not appear in this local definitions branch.


The image below shows the list of definitions for a case project called test.  In addition to four module definitions, there is also one transmission line and one cable definition, as well as a component definition (called user_comp). The number in parenthesis affixed to the definition name indicates the total number of local instances of this definition in the project.


NOTE:  It is not recommended to store user-defined component definitions within case projects. All component definitions should exist exclusively in library projects to avoid having to maintain multiple versions of the same definition.

The main icons used here are listed below:

Right-clicking directly over the definitions branch will bring up a menu as shown below:



The following list describes the functions of this pop-up menu:

Individual Definitions

If you right-click with the mouse pointer over a specific definition in the list, the following menu will appear:



The following list describes the functions of this pop-up menu:

Module Definitions Only:

Transmission Line or Cable Definitions Only:

A double-click on a module definition will bring you directly to its definition canvas, whereas double-clicking on a component definition will bring you directly to its definition in the Graphic view.  Double-clicking on a transmission line or cable will bring you to the definition Editor canvas.

Runtime Objects in the Definitions Branch

Runtime related objects, such as Output Channels, Controls, Graphs, etc., help define the definition of the module, and are therefore organized under specific definitions in the definition tree. Module definition branches may be expanded to display a Schematic branch, which in turn may be expanded to display a list of all runtime objects, as well as transmission lines and cables. Whenever a runtime object is added, a record of it is immediately added under the appropriate module definition in the workspace.


As an example, the image below is taken from the Rectifier module in the Cigre Benchmark example case that comes with PSCAD.



Runtime objects can be categorized into several main groups:  

If you right-click with the mouse pointer over a specific object in the list, the following menu will appear:



A left double-click on any runtime object in the list will highlight that object directly in the corresponding module definition canvas.  For example, double-clicking on the Modulation Index object in the above diagram will result in the following in Schematic view:



This may also be achieved by right-clicking on a module listing and selecting Navigate To....



Icons are included in this branch for visual distinctness:




Display Devices:

Named Signals:

Radio Links:


Transmission Lines and Cables


Transmission segment wires are themselves very similar to modules.  As such, they are treated like a module instance when they are placed in the circuit.


If the line is an overhead line with Termination Style in Remote Ends mode, then a [+] box will appear beside the branch name.  Expanding this branch (press the [+] symbol) will show the two interface components representing both ends of the transmission line.  Note that cables will always have remote ends, as direct connection mode cables are not supported.


TLine/Cable Interface Components:



Output channels and control objects can exist in a project without being associated with a curve, meter or control interface (i.e. the data is not plotted or monitored).  If any of these objects are added as a curve to a graph, meter to a control panel, or added directly to a PolyMeter, PhasorMeter or Oscilloscope, an entry referred to as an observer will be added as a sub-branch to the corresponding recorder or control branch.  If the object is displayed in more than one display device, an observer will be added for each occurrence.


The figure below shows the existing controls and recorders in the Network #1 module definition for a test project.  The module contains a slider component called Slider 1, a two-state switch component called Switch 1, as well as two output channels entitled Ea and Switch 1.  Each object possesses an observer to indicate that the output of the objects is being sent to a display device.



A simple double-click on any observer will point you directly to that occurrence of the runtime object within the display device.  For example, double-clicking on the Slider 1 observer in the above diagram will result in the following in Schematic view:



Icons are included for all observer types.  These are listed below:




Group Name Based Sorting


If any of the runtime objects are part of a runtime group, then the group name will precede the object name.  This automatically categorizes the objects according to group name:



In the above example, controls Slider 1 and Switch 1 have been given the group name Control Group, whereas output channels Ea and Switch 1 have been given the group name Output Channels.  For more information, see Grouping of Runtime Objects.

Temporary Folder Branch

The Temporary Folder Branch is used specifically for convenient access to files found in the project temporary folder, such as FORTRAN, Data, Output, etc. files.  

NOTE: The files will only be visible if you compile the project first (see Compiling and Building a Project in the next chapter).

To view the contents of the temporary folders branch, left-click the [+] box beside the project name:



A simple double-click on any file will open that file in the main viewing area of the environment.  Right-clicking on the file will invoke a pop-up menu:



The functions in this menu are as described below:

The Master Library

The master library is always the first project listed in the workspace primary window whenever PSCAD is started.  It contains most of the components required to build almost any circuit.  To open the master library, simply left-click the title in the workspace.  The main master library canvas will open (Schematic window), giving access to all of its components.


Components stored in the master library are categorized into several modules (located on the main page), according to the functionality of the component.  For example, all transformer components are stored in the Transformers module.  In addition to these categories, most master library components are also located on the main page.  Some users may find this format allows for easier navigation to the correct component.

NOTE: Component definitions stored in the master library can be viewed, but not directly modified.  If you wish to modify one of these definitions, copy the definition into another library project and rename it first..

If you want to add any of these components to your own case, simply copy the instance directly from the master library and paste it into your own project.  You can also use the Models tab on the ribbon control bar or the Library Pop-up Menu system.

Simulation Sets Branch

It is possible to simultaneously launch and run multiple project simulations. Both sequential and parallel simulation runs are possible via the defining of Simulation Tasks within what are referred to as Simulation Sets. Only projects loaded under the Projects branch may be added as a task in a simulation set.



All simulations in a particular set will be launched simultaneously in parallel, utilizing all processor resources available on the local machine. All sets may be run sequentially: In the image above for example, if the user chooses to run all simulation sets, the set Project Run will launch and run all of its tasks in parallel. When these are complete, the simulation set Comparison will launch its tasks immediately after, and so on.



See Simulation Sets/Multiple EMTDC for more on creating and running simulation sets.