Definition Branch Context Menu
Viewing Runtime Objects in Module Definitions (Schematic Branch)
The definitions branch contains a list of all component definitions that are stored locally within that project: Definitions for component or module instances that exist in a project, but are stored in other projects (ex. master library components), will not appear in this local definitions branch.
The image below shows the list of component definitions for the case project called test. In addition to the definitions of each module, the existence of a component definition (called user_comp) is also indicated. The number in parenthesis affixed to the definition name indicates the total number of local instances of this definition in the project.
NOTE: It is not recommended to store user-defined component definitions within case projects, for the long term. All component definitions should eventually be stored exclusively in library projects to avoid multiple development paths for the same definition, which can happen if copies of the case project are made and passed around to others.
The main icons used here are listed below:
Component Definition
Module Definition
Transmission Line Definition
Cable Definition
Right-clicking directly over the definitions branch will bring up a menu as shown below:
The following list describes the functions of this pop-up menu:
Component Wizard...: This menu item will display the Component Wizard pane if not already displayed.
Import From File: See Importing/Exporting Definitions for more details.
Definition(s)...: This function is used to import stored definition files (*.psdx or the older *.cmp format).
Comma Separated Value (*.csv)...: Definitions may also be imported directly from commas separated value (*.csv) files, written in a specific format. Use this function to import from this type of file. See the menu function Export To File > Comma Separated Value (*.csv)... described below for more.
Paste: This function may be used to paste a definition that has been copied from this project or from another project loaded in the workspace primary window (see the Copy menu function described below).
Paste Special: See Copying and Transferring Module Hierarchies for more details.
Paste With Dependents: If a module definition has been copied with it's dependents to the clipboard. Use this function to paste it, and all of it's dependents, here.
Sort by Name: Select this option to sort the definitions list by name (see below). Continually selecting this option will toggle the alphabetical order from A to Z or Z to A.
Sort by Description: Select this option to sort the definitions list by description (see below). Continually selecting this option will toggle the alphabetical order from A to Z or Z to A.
Undo/Redo: These items can be used to undo or redo actions to the definitions branch.
If you right-click with the mouse pointer over a specific component definition in the list, the following menu will appear:
The following list describes the functions of this pop-up menu:
Edit: See Editing Definition Properties or Editing a Component or Module Definition for more details.
Settings...: This brings up the Definition Settings dialog window for editing the definition Name, Description and Lable(s).
Definition...: Select this option to edit the definition of the component (opens the Graphic window for components, or the Schematic window for modules, transmission lines and cables).
Copy: Select this option to copy a definition, which may then be pasted as a new definition in this branch (see Paste, in Definition Branch Context Menu section above), or pasted on the Schematic canvas and instantiated.
Delete: Select this option to delete the definition. You will be prompted whether to delete the definition, as well as all existing instances (select Yes), to delete only the definition (select No), or to cancel the action (select Cancel).
Create (Obsolete): Select this option to create an instance of the definition. Note that once this option has been selected, go to a blank part of the schematic canvas, right-click and select Paste. This will paste the newly created instance directly onto the page. Once the first instance has been created, subsequent copies may be made by directly copying the original instance. Holding down the Ctrl key and using Drag and Drop will also perform this feature. Note: This action can now be accomplished by simply copying the definition and pasting on the schematic canvas.
Find All: Select this option to perform a predefined search of all instances linked to this definition. Search results will appear in the Search Results pane.
Export To File: See Importing/Exporting Definitions in the next chapter for more details.
Definition (Single)...: This option brings up the Save Definition As dialog, allowing you to save this single definition to a Definition File (*.psdx), without any dependents.
Definition (With Dependents)...: Same as above, but all dependent definitions will be included in the Definition File (*.psdx). When this file imported, all dependent definitions will be imported as well.
Comma Separated Value (*.csv)...: This option brings up the Save Definition As dialog, allowing you to save this single definition to a Comma Separated Value File (*.csv). Note: This function is only available for transmission line and cable definitions.
Compile: Selecting this option will compile the selected module. All module instances linked to this definition will of course be affected. Note: This function is only available for module definitions.
Help: If the definition is a regular component, selecting this option will open the associated help file.
NOTE: A double-click action on a module definition will bring you directly to its definition canvas in the Schematic canvas, whereas double-clicking on a regular component definition will bring you directly to its definition in the Graphic view. Double-clicking on a transmission line or cable will bring you to the definition Editor canvas.
Runtime related objects, such as Output Channels, Controls, Graphs, etc., are themselves specialized components, which may be part of the schematic canvas of a module. As such, they help define the definition of the module, and are therefore organized on a per module definition basis. Each module definition will contain a list of all runtime objects that exist in that module. Whenever a runtime object is added, a record of it is immediately added here, under the appropriate module definition.
To view, expand the module definition branch (press the [+] box), then do the same on the Schematic sub-branch that appears:
Runtime objects can be categorized into several main groups:
Display Devices
Named Signals
Radio Links
NOTE: A left double-click on the schematic branch will bring up the canvas settings dialog.
The following list describes the functions of this pop-up menu:
Edit Parameters: Select this option to bring up the component parameter dialog for the corresponding runtime object.
Cut: Select this option to cut a runtime object.
Copy: Select this option to copy a runtime object.
Paste: Select this option to paste a runtime object.
Delete: Select this option to delete a runtime object.
Navigate To...: Select this option to navigate directly to the runtime object component on this module's definition canvas.
NOTE: A left double-click on any runtime object will bring up the component parameter dialog.
Icons are included in this branch for visual distinctness:
Slider Component Instance
Two State Switch Component Instance
Dial Component Instance
Push Button Component Instance
Output Channel Instance
RTP/COMTRADE Recorder Component Instance
Display Devices:
Control Panel Instance
Plot Frame Instance
XY Plot Instance
PolyMeter Instance
PhasorMeter Instance
Oscilloscope Instance
Named Signals:
Data signal defined with a Data Label
Radio Links:
Transmission segment wires are themselves very similar to modules. As such, they are treated like a module instance when they are placed in the circuit.
If the line is an overhead line with Termination Style in Remote Ends mode, then a [+] box will appear beside the branch name. Expanding this branch (press the [+] symbol) will show the two interface components representing both ends of the transmission line. Note that cables will always have remote ends, as direct connection mode cables are not supported.
TLine/Cable Interface Components:
Remote End Interface Component Instance
Output channels and control objects can exist in a project without being associated with a curve, meter or control interface (i.e. the data is not plotted or monitored). If any of these objects are added as a curve to a graph, meter to a control panel, or added directly to a PolyMeter, PhasorMeter or Oscilloscope, an entry referred to as an observer will be added as a sub-branch to the corresponding recorder or control branch. If the object is displayed in more than one display device, an observer will be added for each occurrence.
The figure below shows the existing controls and recorders in the Network #1 module definition for a test project. The module contains multiple runtime components, such as the slider called Modulation Index, a few two-state switch components called Frequency Ratio 1 to Frequency Ratio 3, as well as an output channel entitled Firing Pulses. Note that the slider and switch components have observers indicating that they have control interfaces housed within a control panel called Controls. The output channel called Firing Pulses, is being plotted as a curve inside a polygraph.
Right-clicking on any observer and selecting Navigate To... will point you directly to that occurrence of the runtime object within the display device. For example, selecting Navigate To... on the Modulation Index observer in the above diagram will result in the following in Schematic view:
Icons are included for all observer types. These are listed below:
Two State Switch
Push Button
If any of the runtime objects are part of a runtime group, then the group name will precede the object name. This automatically categorizes the objects according to a group name. In the above example, controls Slider 1 and Switch 1 have been given the group name PWM Control. For more information, see Grouping of Runtime Objects.