Designing Components

One of the features that make PSCAD such a powerful simulation tool is its allowance for the design of custom models.  Users can develop models from the very simple, to the very complex, limited only by their skills and knowledge of the subject:  Many seasoned users continue to amaze us (the developers of PSCAD) with what they have managed to accomplish with the software over the years.


Custom components may be constructed in one of two ways:  Either graphically by means of a module type component, or by direct coding.  Regardless of the method used, in order for a custom model to be included in either the system dynamics or the electric network, a component must first be created to define the model.  A component acts as a graphical representation of the model, where the user may supply input parameters, perform pre-calculations on input data, and change the component appearance.  In the case of a module, it will possess a schematic, on which other components may be pieced together to form the model.


This chapter discusses the various features and tools available for the design of custom components.  The information here is closely linked with the following chapter entitled Definition Script.  It is suggested that you become familiar with both chapters before proceeding on with your component design.


The last section of this chapter includes a tutorial called Creating a New Component, which employs many of the features and concepts described here, and in the next chapter.