Interfacing from Custom Components

The Harmonic Impedance Solution component is used to find the multi-port impedance of any electrical component, or an entire network over a defined frequency range. If the impedance of a custom component is defined directly (i.e. as R, L and/or C passive elements in the branch segment, or through an EMTDC subroutine like E_BRANCH_CFG), then its impedance will be properly defined over a specified frequency range. However in many situations, the impedance of the component cannot be defined directly, but is done so as a general function of frequency (ex. in the case of electrical machines). In these situations, a special interface must be included in the custom component. This interface is described in this topic.






In this example, the E_VARRLC1x subroutines are called from the Fortran segment of a user defined component definition, with its various arguments pre-defined as needed.   The Fortran segment of the user component is shown below:



#SUBROUTINE E_VARRLC1_CFG ‘Variable RLC Begin Subroutine’

#SUBROUTINE E_VARRLC1_EXE ‘Variable RLC Dynamic Subroutine’










Listing 5-17 – Calling the E_VARRLC1x Subroutines within the Component Definition


Here, both the E_VARRLC1_CFG and E_VARRLC1_EXE subroutines are configured to model a non-linear inductor (i.e. input argument 1), where the inductance is controlled by the input argument L.  E controls the internal voltage source EBR.  BRN and SS are the branch number and subsystem number respectively.


The branch number is defined in the Branch segment of the component definition as follows, where NA and GND are electrical nodes:



BRN = $NA  $GND   BREAKER    1.0



Listing 5-18 – Branch Segment Script to Coincide with E_VARRLC1x Subroutine Calls









User interface subroutine Called from custom component

- Pass information to Harmonic Component global variables

- Assign procedure pointer to the subroutine which defines the relationship between frequency and the impedance of the component

User Module

 The impedance subroutine is defined


User interface subroutine

SUBROUTINE  my_subroutine (……..)


! Use EMTDC Custom harmonic module


! User defined module

      USE my_module

!     Component number is updated for each component.

      COMP_INDX      = COMP_INDX + 1

! Pass component branches and node numbers to global arrays

CBRANCHES(COMP_INDX,:) = branch number

CNODES(COMP_INDX, :)      = node number



! Assign procedure pointer to the user defined impedance subroutine




User Module



MODULE  my_module

! Use EMTDC Custom harmonic module




      SUBROUTINE my_fun(F,Y)

!     F = Frequency (input)

!    Y = admittance (output)

!    Define Y matrix as a function of frequency


     Y(i,j)  = f(F)


END MODULE  my_module



variable Description Input/output dimension type

Y Admittance (Ohms) output MAX_NODES* MAX_NODES complex

F Frequency (Hz) input 1 real

The following global variables arrays are defined in EMTDC modules HARM_CUS_COM  and HARM_CUS_COM1  

COMP_INDX Custom component number. For each custom component, the component index number should be increased by one

CNODES(MAX_COMP,MAX_NODES) Node number  array of the custom component

CBRANCHES(MAX_COMP,MAX_BRA) Branch number  array of the custom component

CTYPE(COMP_INDX)%CSUB_PTR Procedure pointer array. This is a pointer to the user defined impedance subroutine. The Harmonic impedance component uses this pointer to call the subroutine  


description type value

MAX_NODES Maximum number of nodes in custom component integer 20

MAX_BRA Maximum number of branches in custom component integer 50

MAX_COMP Maximum number custom components in the pscad case integer 100


This interface requires Intel Fortran compiler


type description

SS integer Subsystem number

NO_NODES integer Number of nodes in the customer component

NO_BR integer Number of branches in the customer component

REM_BR logical .TRUE. , if the existing R,L,C branches (defied in branches segment or using E_BRANCH_CFG ) are neglected  in impedance calculation.  Then only the impedance defined in user subroutine is considered