Build and Runtime Messages Pane
The environment section contains a variety of user preferences pertaining to the overall working environment.
Sort project messages: Use this option to adjust how grouping in the build message table functions.
Maximum duplicates: During runtime, it is possible for notifications to be sent to the runtime messages pane, from EMTDC every time step. Use this option to set the maximum number of duplicate messages that are displayed.
Save extents: When enabled, component parameter dialogs will retain there last size, from when the OK button was last pressed.
Folder context: If set to Current project, file dialogues will open to the folder of the focused project. If Always last folder accessed is selected, file dialogues will open as such.
Cut/Copy/Paste keys: Select Ctrl+x,c,v to cut/copy/paste with the Ctrl key. Select x,c,v to enable just the corresponding key.
Controls and curve creation: This option is directly related to Drag and Drop. By default, all drag and drop functions are invoked using the Ctrl key in combination with the left mouse button. Enable this option if you would prefer to designate the Shift key to place curves in graphs or control interfaces/meters in control panels.
Graph and control interface wheel action: Enable this feature if you would prefer that control interfaces (such as sliders and switches) respond to mouse wheel action. Disabling this setting ensures that control interfaces are not inadvertently modified during navigation using the mouse wheel.
Auto-save interval: PSCAD will save all project documents loaded in the workspace at the intervals specified here.
Undo/redo: The undo/redo system can be disabled for troubleshooting purposes.
Drill down: Use this option to revert to the older module navigation style (i.e. Double-Click opens the canvas, bypassing any input parameters). In versions X4 and greater, accessing the circuit canvas of a module is considered editing its definition (i.e. Ctrl + Double-Click); this combined with the fact that modules can possess input parameters, lead to the change.
Tab colouring: This option controls the colouring of the project tabs in The Definition Editor.
Navigation bar: Controls the navigation bar behaviour.
Default display context: This setting specifies the default view when the parameter grid is invoked.
Relative path resolution: List the valid starting paths to include when utilizing relative paths to resource files. If a relative path is encountered, PSCAD will use these starting paths to find the file.