Selecting and Setting Up Your Fortran Compiler

A third-party compiler is required for building PSCAD projects. PSCAD supports a free, GFortran compiler that comes bundled with the PSCAD installer, as well as the commercially available Intel® Parallel Studio Composer Edition for Fortran for Windows. If using the Intel compiler, another third-party software is also required, Microsoft® Visual Studio. Refer to the knowledge base article: Selecting your Compiler for Fortran Code and C-Code, for detailed information on selecting your compiler.


GFortran may be installed alongside PSCAD, or it may be downloaded and installed separately from PSCAD. See the knowledge base article: Setting up the GFortran Compiler, for more details.


For selecting and setting up the Intel compiler, please refer to the following references:

Once PSCAD and the compiler are installed, your setup should be tested before building your own projects.


If you have any compiler selection or setup questions, please forward your questions to our support desk.