======= Changes ======= ----------------- What's New in 1.2 ----------------- Summary ======= * Automation library is now packaged as a Python wheel. It is no longer required to explicitly add the Automation Library to the Python path, or add a ``mhrc.pth`` file containing that path to ``site-packages`` * Easier :doc:`launching ` of PSCAD Application. New Methods =========== * :mod:`mhrc.automation` * :meth:`~mhrc.automation.launch_pscad()` to simplify the PSCAD launch process. * :class:`.ProjectCommands` * :meth:`~.ProjectCommands.messages` returns list of `Message` tuples, instead of a :py:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree` XML subtree * :meth:`~.ProjectCommands.get_output_text` returns output text, instead of a :py:class:`xml.etree.ElementTree` XML subtree Improved Methods ================ * :class:`.PSCAD` * :meth:`~.PSCAD.load()` now accepts a variable number of filename arguments. Passing a ``list`` of filenames is still supported, but no longer required. Deprecated ========== * :meth:`ProjectCommands.list_messages()` * :meth:`ProjectCommands.get_output()` ------------------- Changes & Bug Fixes ------------------- 1.2.4 ===== * First public release of 1.2