.. py:currentmodule:: mhi.pscad ======= Changes ======= ------------------- What's New in 2.2.1 ------------------- * New Classes & Methods :meth:`.PSCAD.substitute` :attr:`.PSCAD.workspace_dir` :attr:`.PSCAD.workspace_name` :attr:`.PSCAD.workspace_path` ------------------- What's New in 2.2 ------------------- * New Classes & Methods :class:`.UserDefnWizard` :class:`.GfxCanvas` :meth:`.Definition.graphics` :attr:`.Definition.script` ------------------- What's New in 2.1.1 ------------------- * New Classes & Methods :meth:`.PSCAD.release_all_certificates` :meth:`.PlotFrame.create_curve` :meth:`.PlotFrame.create_curves` :class:`.Oscilloscope` :class:`.PhasorMeter` :class:`.PolyMeter` ----------------- What's New in 2.1 ----------------- Summary ======= * New namespace :mod:`mhi.pscad` replaces `mhrc.automation` * Embedding of Python inside PSCAD * An external Python environment is no longer required. Python scripts may be executed from within the PSCAD application itself. External execution of scripts remains supported, and remains essential for debugging. * Communication with PSCAD is no longer using XML fragments * Commands returning XML fragments as results have been removed Deprecated Methods ================== * The `Workspace`, `KeyStroke` and `Mouse` proxies have been removed; and their methods moved into the :class:`PSCAD ` class. * All commands which returned XML fragments from the communication protocol between PSCAD and the Automation Library have been removed, since that communication protocol has been replaced.