Coders / Decoders

Encode user-friendly values into internal formats used by the application, and decoder the values back into user-friendly values.


class mhi.enerplot.common.codec.Codec

Codec: Coder / Decoder

Encode from user-friendly values into an internal value format, and decode from the internal format into (ideally) a user-friendly value.


Encode a user-friendly value into an internal format

Parameters:value – the value to encode
Returns:the encoded value

Decode an internal format value into a more user-friendly format

Parameters:value – the value to decode
Returns:the decoded value

Keyword Codec

class mhi.enerplot.common.codec.KeywordCodec

Keyword Codec

Encode values for specific keys of a dictionary from user-friendly values into an internal value format, and decode values for those specific keys from the internal format into (ideally) a user-friendly value.


Predicate, indicating whether or not this keyword codec will encode and decode a particular keyword

Parameters:keyword (str) – keyword to test
Returns:True if this codec handles the keyword, False otherwise
Return type:bool

Encode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing encoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict

Decode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing decoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict

Decode an internal format value into a more user-friendly format

Parameters:value – the value to decode
Returns:the decoded value

Encode a user-friendly value into an internal format

Parameters:value – the value to encode
Returns:the encoded value

Simple Codec

class mhi.enerplot.common.codec.SimpleCodec(code_dict=None, **codes)

Keyword Codec

Encode values for specific keys of a dictionary from user-friendly values into an internal value format, and decode values for those specific keys from the internal format into (ideally) a user-friendly value.

  • code_dict (dict) – A dictionary used to translate user-friendly values into internal values.
  • **codes – additional keyword-value translation pairs.


A codec which converts fruit names into integers:

>>> codec = SimpleCodec(apple=1, banana=2, pear=3)
>>> codec.keywords('fruit')
>>> codec.encode('apple')
>>> codec.decode(2)
>>> codec.encode_all({'animal': 'lion', 'fruit': 'pear'})
{'animal': 'lion', 'fruit': 3}
alternates(code_dict, **codes)

Provide additional encodings aliases for the codec. These additional options must not duplicate any existing user-friendly keywords, and must not introduce any new values to the mapping.

For instance, a codec may defined the mapping ‘EMTPY’ => 0. An alternate mapping ‘BLANK’ => 0 may be provided, allowing either ‘EMPTY’ or ‘BLANK’ to be encoded as 0, but 0 will always be decoded as ‘EMPTY’.

  • code_dict (dict) – A dictionary of additional translation aliases.
  • **codes – additional keyword-value translation alias pairs.

Encode a user-friendly value into an internal format

Parameters:value – the value to encode
Returns:the encoded value

Decode an internal format value into a more user-friendly format

Parameters:value – the value to decode
Returns:the decoded value

Add keywords which will be recognized by this codec when encode_all() or decode_all() is called.

Parameters:*keywords (str) – List of keywords to associate to this codec

Decode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing decoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict

Encode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing encoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict

Predicate, indicating whether or not this keyword codec will encode and decode a particular keyword

Parameters:keyword (str) – keyword to test
Returns:True if this codec handles the keyword, False otherwise
Return type:bool


This module is used to encode and decode between a set of compass directions {"N", "E", "SW" } and bit encoded values (0b001001001).

Arrow directions
Direction Value
N 1
S 2
W 4
E 8
NW 16
NE 32
SW 64
SE 128
class mhi.enerplot.common.arrow.Arrow

Predicate, indicating whether or not this keyword codec will encode and decode a particular keyword

Parameters:keyword (str) – keyword to test
Returns:True if keyword is 'arrows', False otherwise
Return type:bool

Encode one or more directions into an bit-encoded integer:

>>> arrow.encode("N S")
>>> arrow.encode(["E", "W"])
Parameters:dirs – the directions to encode
Returns:a bit-encoded direction value
Return type:int

Decode a bit-encoded integer into a direction string:

>>> arrow.decode(15)
'N S W E'
Parameters:dirs (int) – the direction value to decode
Returns:a space-separated list of compass directions
Return type:str

Decode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing decoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict

Encode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing encoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict


This module is used to encode and decode between common colour names and RGB integer values. Standard Windows and CSS colour names are recognized.

class mhi.enerplot.common.colour.Colour

Predicate, indicating whether or not this keyword codec will encode and decode a particular keyword

Parameters:keyword (str) – keyword to test
Returns:True if keyword is 'fg_color', 'bg_color', or 'true-color', False otherwise
Return type:bool

Encode a named colour into an RGB integer value:

>>> colour = Colour()
>>> colour.encode("RED")
>>> colour.encode("#FA8800")
Parameters:colour – the colour to encoded
Returns:the 888 RGB value
Return type:int

Decode an RGB integer value into a named colour, if possible:

>>> colour = Colour()
>>> colour.decode(0xFFFFFF)
>>> colour.decode(0x9AFA00)
>>> colour.decode(16418816)
Parameters:colour (int) – an 888 RGB colour value
Returns:the name of the colour
Return type:str

Decode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing decoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict

Encode all values in the given dictionary which are handled by this codec. Values for unrecognized keywords are unchanged.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – a dictionary of keyword-value pairs
Returns:A new dictionary containing encoded values, where supported.
Return type:dict