#!/usr/bin/env python3 import mhi.enerplot # Launch or Connect to the Enerplot application enerplot = mhi.enerplot.application() # Load the Enerplot_Examples workspace enerplot.load_workspace("Enerplot_Examples", enerplot.examples) # Get rid of the `notes` book. notes = enerplot.book("notes") notes.unload() # Add a new sheet to "book1" book1 = enerplot.book("book1") sheet2 = book1.new_sheet("Sheet2", "Created by Python script") sheet2.focus() # Add a graph frame, with title and x-axis label frame = sheet2.graph_frame(1, 1, 40, 36, title="Cigre Rectifier", xtitle="Time") # Add Rectifier AC voltages to the graph frame's top graph cigre = enerplot.datafile("Cigre_47.csv") ph_a = cigre["Rectifier\\AC Voltage:1"] ph_b = cigre["Rectifier\\AC Voltage:2"] ph_c = cigre["Rectifier\\AC Voltage:3"] top = frame.panel(0) top.properties(title="Phase Voltages (kV)") top.add_curves(ph_a, ph_b, ph_c) top.zoom(xmax=0.15, ymax=1.0, ymin=-0.2) # Add second graph to graph frame bottom = frame.add_overlay_graph() bottom.properties(title="Zero Sequence Voltage (V)") # Create Zero Sequence channel v_zero = [ (va+vb+vc)*1000 for va,vb,vc in zip(ph_a.data, ph_b.data, ph_c.data) ] zero_seq = cigre.set_channel(v_zero, "Zero Sequence", "Script Output") bottom.add_curves(zero_seq)